Masajeador de pies EMS
Masajeador de pies EMS
Masajeador de pies EMS
Masajeador de pies EMS
Masajeador de pies EMS
Masajeador de pies EMS

4.9/5 based on 15,000+ purchases

Masajeador de pies EMS


¿Tiene problemas con el dolor de pies, piernas hinchadas, neuropatía con hormigueo y fascitis plantar? Obtenga un alivio duradero del dolor con solo 15 minutos al día... ¡o le devolvemos su dinero garantizado!


  • Elimina eficazmente el dolor persistente del pie y la neuropatía sin el uso de analgésicos fuertes.
  • Disfrute de la comodidad de tener un podólogo personal en la comodidad de su hogar y ahorre dinero.
  • Mejora el flujo sanguíneo, promueve el drenaje linfático y reduce la hinchazón en las piernas.
  • Ayuda a aliviar y evitar la hinchazón de tobillos, la rigidez y el dolor de pies.

Experimente la libertad del dolor crónico de pie, la neuropatía o la fascitis plantar: ¡a solo un paso de distancia!

Cada día, millones de personas en todo el mundo sufren la incomodidad de tener los pies hinchados y doloridos . Ya sea por el envejecimiento, la actividad diaria, la neuropatía o la tensión en puntos gatillo sensibles en las piernas, ¡ahora el alivio está a su alcance con un nuevo dispositivo revolucionario!

Imagine tener el poder de tratar el dolor de pie desde su origen, llegando profundamente a los tejidos con la precisión de un terapeuta experto, pero sin las costosas facturas.

Esta innovadora tecnología pone el control en tus manos, brindándote el alivio que necesitas, cuando lo necesitas, exactamente como lo deseas.


  • 8 modos personalizables , puede adaptar su masaje para satisfacer sus necesidades específicas, utilizando técnicas de masaje artificial de simulación inteligente que se adaptan a sus preferencias y niveles de estrés físico.
  • Con 18 niveles de intensidad ajustables , nuestro masajeador de pies estimula directamente los puntos de acupuntura, lo que promueve la relajación y mejora la calidad del sueño. Experimente lo último en cuidado de los pies con nuestro incomparable masajeador de pies, diseñado para elevar su bienestar a nuevas alturas.
  • Perfecto para quienes pasan largas horas en un escritorio, nuestro masajeador de pies proporciona un alivio completo, revitalizando los pies cansados ​​y reduciendo la fatiga física y mental.
  • Experimente el último sistema de automasaje con funcionamiento completamente manos libres , que lo distingue de los masajeadores típicos.
  • Sienta la rápida recuperación mientras nuestro masajeador EMS alivia los músculos doloridos y lo hace sentir más fuerte que nunca.
  • Disfrute de un alivio inmediato del dolor causado por el estrés laboral, el malestar relacionado con la edad o lesiones repentinas, con un tiempo de recuperación 3 veces más rápido.
  • ¡Puedes llevarlo contigo a cualquier parte! Imagina poder realizar un masaje de tejido profundo donde y cuando quieras.

Cómo utilizar
Después de un día agotador o incluso de llevar zapatos incómodos, 15 minutos de su tiempo pueden proporcionarle una relajación total y ayudar a mantener una circulación saludable en las piernas . Es la solución perfecta para reducir el dolor de piernas hinchadas y pies, así como para aliviar las extremidades cansadas y ardientes.

1) PASO UNO: Para comenzar, fije el dispositivo del operador a la alfombrilla para los pies conectando tres botones que controlan funciones distintas. Para comenzar, fije el dispositivo del operador a la alfombrilla para los pies conectando tres botones que controlan funciones distintas.

2) PASO DOS: Para activar el dispositivo, pise la colchoneta con ambos pies y presione "+" o "-" para ajustar la intensidad. Una vez que haya establecido la configuración deseada, presione "M" para cambiar de modo.

3) PASO TRES: ¿Estás listo para experimentar un masaje equivalente al que recibes en tu clínica local? Solo necesitas entre 10 y 15 minutos cada día, 3 o 4 días a la semana, y podrás disfrutar de estos lujosos tratamientos en tu casa. Incorpora esto a tu rutina diaria para obtener resultados notables.

Are you experiencing difficulties with foot pain, swollen legs, tingling neuropathy, and plantar fasciitis? 

Get lasting pain relief in just 15 minutes a day...or your money-back guaranteed!

  • Effectively eliminates persistent foot pain and neuropathy without the use of strong painkillers
  • Enhances blood flow, promotes lymphatic drainage, and reduces swelling
  • Aids in easing and avoiding swollen ankles, foot stiffness, and soreness
Masajeador de pies EMS
Masajeador de pies EMS
Masajeador de pies EMS
Masajeador de pies EMS
Masajeador de pies EMS
Masajeador de pies EMS

Masajeador de pies EMS

Experience the Freedom from Chronic Foot Pain, Neuropathy, or Plantar Fasciitis - Just One Step Away!

Every day, millions of people around the world endure the discomfort of sore, swollen feet. Whether it's due to aging, daily activity, neuropathy, or tension in sensitive trigger points throughout your legs, relief is now within reach with a revolutionary new device!

Imagine having the power to treat foot pain at its source, reaching deep into the tissues with the precision of a skilled therapist - but without the costly bills.

This breakthrough technology puts the control in your hands, providing the relief you need, when you need it, exactly the way you want it.

Discover the Unmatched Benefits of Our Innovative Foot Massager - Say Goodbye to Swollen Ankles, Stiffness, and Sore Feet!

Experience the remarkable effects of our unique combination of deep massage treatments, specially designed to prevent discomfort caused by swollen ankles, stiffness, and soreness in the feet. Our cutting-edge technology facilitates better blood circulation, while effectively targeting and removing cellulite lumps on the leg and thigh area.

Perfect for those who spend long hours at a desk, our foot massager provides complete relief, revitalizing tired feet and reducing physical and mental fatigue.

  • With 8 customizable modes, you can tailor your massage to meet your specific needs, using intelligent simulation artificial massage techniques that adapt to your preferences and physical stress levels.
  • Featuring 18 adjustable intensity levels, our foot massager directly stimulates acupuncture points, promoting relaxation and improving sleep quality. Experience the ultimate in foot care with our unparalleled foot massager, designed to elevate your well-being to new heights.

Effective Against ALL
Types of Muscle Discomfort!

Our EMS Massager offers a cutting-edge solution to alleviate and prevent all types of leg pain. With a unique combination of focused massage and vibration, it delivers targeted relief to muscle tension and complexion, providing unparalleled results.


Experience the ultimate self-massage system with complete hands-free operation, setting it apart from typical massagers.


Enjoy immediate pain relief from work-related stress, age-related discomfort, or sudden injuries, with a 3x faster recovery time.


Feel the quick recovery as our EMS Massager soothes sore muscles and leaves you feeling stronger than ever before.


You can take it with you anywhere you go! Imagine being able to perform a deep-tissue massage wherever and whenever you want.

How To Use

After a laborious day or even just wearing uncomfortable shoes, 15 minutes of your time can provide you with complete relaxation and aid in keeping healthy leg circulation. It's the perfect solution to reduce swollen legs and feet pain as well as alleviate tired, burning limbs.

  •  STEP ONE:  To begin, fasten the operator device to the feet mat by connecting three buttons that control distinct functions.
  •  STEP TWO:  To activate the device, step on the mat with both feet and press either "+" or "-" to adjust intensity. Once desired settings are established, push "M" to switch modes.
  •  STEP THREE:  Ready to experience a massage that's equivalent to the one you get in your local clinic? All it takes is 10-15 minutes each day, 3-4 days per week and you can enjoy those luxurious treatments right at home. Make this part of your daily routine for noticeable results!

Experience Unprecedented Healing Like Never Before!

Patients with long-term injuries felt instant relief.
Observed visible reduction in swelling associated with aging!
Saw an improvement after intense workout pain.

Over a million americans found relief from arthritis and muscle strains!

Clinically Proven

Recommended by Healthcare Professionals for easy, effective, and drug-free relief from foot pain, swollen legs, neuropathy, and plantar fasciitis.

Our happy customers...


"As someone who knows that genetics can greatly impact Neuropathy, I was initially skeptical about trying this product. However, after just a few sessions, I started feeling better, and with continued use, I even noticed a reduction in weight around my thigh area. I'm so glad I gave it a try and the before-and-after picture speaks for itself! This product really works, and I couldn't be happier with the results."

- Beatrice Klein


"Dealing with constant pain, swelling, and reddish signs in my right leg for the past 5 months was unbearable. Despite undergoing several tests, the improvement was minimal. That's when I stumbled upon this massager while scrolling through my phone. After reading numerous positive reviews, I decided to give it a try, and to my amazement, it worked wonders!
Not only did it help me get rid of my leg problem, but I now use it regularly as a massager for overall relaxation. I'm so glad I took the chance on this product, and it has truly made a positive difference in my life."

- Lynette Wells


"I Purchased this massager for my varicose veins and foot pain, and it really works! Dealing with varicose veins in my legs and severe foot pain was challenging, but this massager has been a game-changer. Following the recommended usage of at least 15 minutes per day, I have seen significant improvement.
The various settings of the massager are incredible, providing a range of sensations from a soothing foot massage to acupuncture-like stimulation, and even kneading that targets the ankles as well. I would highly recommend this product to anyone who suffers from sore varicose veins or foot pain. It has made a noticeable difference in my overall comfort and well-being."

- Verna Perez

Fantastic Quality Of Life

Foot pain, stiff and swollen ankles, and other ailments like tingling neuropathy can wreak havoc on your life. Everyday activities are a constant reminder of the pain you constantly feel.

Today, you have the power to make a change. In eliminating your foot pain, the Foot Massager creates the secondary benefits of:

  • Elevation in mood
  • Improved focus at work
  • Standing on your own two feet again
  • Walking and standing free of pain
  • You can finally get back to living again

Frequently Asked Questions

Hurry❗️ High demand has no excuse. Our EMS Foot Massager can be out of stock any time❗️